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Responsible and ethical conduct, compliance with legal requirements and fair competition are the basic principles of our business success.


At Materna, compliance means more than just adhering to the law. Fair competition, integrity and sustainable business as well as ethical and responsible conduct are the basic principles of our business success and reflect the values of the company's founders as well as the entire company. We are expressly committed to fair competition and to compliance with all applicable national and international laws. In particular, we do not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery or price fixing. Compliance with our fundamental principles is our top priority. We have created the necessary framework for this with our Compliance Management System (CMS). Our CMS consists of the following components, among others.

Whistleblower system

If, despite our preventive measures, violations of our internal policies or other infringements occur, we would like to be informed of any unlawful conduct in our company so that we can clarify and eliminate such behavior. For this reason, an anonymous external whistleblower system is available to our employees, customers, suppliers and other parties. The system can be used to report existing, potential or imminent wrongdoing - both at Materna itself and within our supply chain. The whistleblower system allows a confidential dialog with the Materna Group Compliance Department, secured by special encryption.

The system can be accessed via this link or by scanning the qr code.

QR-Code Visselblåsarsystem

Alternatively, you can contact the Materna Group Compliance Officer directly by e-mail or telephone using the contact details below. We will carefully review each case and, if necessary, initiate the necessary measures.

Group Compliance Officer Materna-Gruppe
Dr. Jan Bünnemeyer
Phone: +49 (30) 893837 939